Today, Internet technology, having stepped far forward, is widely used in everyday life. Mainly it concerns the younger generation, but now we have to deal with it and the adult population, the elderly citizens. Meanwhile, in addition to a huge number of useful features, the Internet carries a certain danger. In this regard, it is important to warn users of the global Internet about the dangers of the “World Wide Web” and what actions must be taken to communicate with the Internet has left only positive emotions. Let’s look at why cybersecurity is so important now!
Working on The Internet
In addition to the fact that there are various computer viruses and malicious programs that need to be blocked by antivirus programs, it is important to remember a number of basic rules for working on the Internet and, in particular, in social networks. It is important to know that the information posted by citizens on social networks can be found and used by anyone, including for harm.
Basic Safety Tips on Social Networks for Children and Their Parents Are as Follows:
-Provide children with “filters” on their personal computer, blocking visits to sites containing illegal information that harms children’s psyche;
-Parents should regularly visit the pages in social networks, belonging to their children, inquire about the child’s hobbies, with whom he/she communicates, and on what topics. In case of detection of unusual behavior of children (constant anxiety, the desire of the child to avoid talking about the topic of their communication and interests on the Internet) or any threats, extortion of any information or photo-video materials with the child’s participation by third parties, they should immediately contact a psychologist and/or law enforcement bodies;
-Limit the list of persons with the status of “friends” on social networks. There should be no random and unfamiliar people in the “friends” status;
-Protect your privacy. Do not specify passwords, phone numbers, addresses, dates of birth, and other personal information. It is necessary to remember that abusers can use even the information about how the child or parents plan to spend the vacations;
-Avoid posting photos online that have images of the person on the ground, by which you can determine the location;
-When registering on a social network, use complex passwords consisting of many letters and numbers;
Different passwords should be used for social networks, e-mail, and other sites. Then if cybercriminals break into any personal page, they will get access only to one place, and not to all personal pages at once. Here are some reasons why it is important.
- E-Money and The Use of Electronic Bank Cards
E-money is a very convenient way to make payments, but there are scammers who can profit from citizens’ ignorance of basic security rules. This is especially true for senior citizens, pensioners.
Similar requirements can be applied to the handling of e-mail (a technology and the services it provides for forwarding and receiving e-mail messages that are distributed on a computer network; in addition to transmitting plain text, it is possible to transmit media files). In particular, it is not recommended to open files and other attachments in e-mails, even if they come from friends. It is better to clarify with them in advance whether they have sent the files in question.
- Working with A Cell Phone
Today’s smartphones and tablets are very feature-rich and can compete with desktop computers. Modern mobile browsers have almost caught up with their desktop counterparts, but the increased functionality entails greater complexity and less security. Not all vendors release updates to close critical vulnerabilities for their devices.
Basic Security Tips When Using A Cell Phone:
-Nothing is truly free. You should be careful, because when free content is offered, it may hide some paid services;

-Use anti-virus software for cell phones;
-Do not download applications from unknown sources as they may contain malware;
-Do not periodically check which paid services are activated with a phone number;
-Give your personal cell phone number only to people you know and trust;
-Bluetooth should be turned off when you are not using it.
- Viruses Working with Online Banking Systems
Malicious software gets on your computer in a certain way. And when you try to log into your account in the payment system by entering one-time passwords, this program gives you a message about an allegedly outdated password. And each following code also turns out to be alleged: “out of date”. In order to protect yourself, experts recommend controlling your card account, connecting SMS banking, not leaving personal data about yourself and your card on websites, and regularly updating your antivirus protection, especially the one with a safe payment function.
- Ransomware
A virus can encrypt the files on your computer, block your access to it, or to any online system you are logged into. All you’ll see on your screen is a blocker picture, and a demand to pay a ransom in order to decrypt or unlock the system.
For example, such as these:
- “Send an SMS to a short number.”
- “Transfer money to a mobile account.”
- “Pay with bitcoins (electronic money).”
To avoid “catching” this type of malware, it is recommended that you never “click” on links to websites of banks or other financial organizations. It is necessary to enter the address manually, otherwise, there is a risk that you can get to a fake page that looks exactly the same as the original.
- More on Cyberfraud:
Scammers can install special devices on ATMs or POS terminals in retail outlets that read data from bank cards. This fraud is also related to the subsequent manufacturing of bank card duplicates by swindlers, which, complete with a PIN code, allow you to withdraw money from your account. To protect against skimming, bankers recommend using cards only in places that are trustworthy and secure.
- Fraud
Nowadays one of the acute problems is fraud related to the voluntary transfer of critical data (payment card numbers, codes, passwords) by individuals to criminals using social engineering techniques, which are then used for unauthorized transactions, including money transfers without the consent of the clients.

Thus, when working on the Internet, it is important, above all, to be cautious, monitor your loved ones (children, elderly relatives), and self-monitoring.